Instant Expert

Become an instant expert on…the art and life of the brilliant Sir Henry Raeburn

Sir Henry Raeburn was the leading Scottish portraitist of his time, with a dazzling aptitude for capturing the character of his sitters. Our expert, Amanda Herries, is curator of a new show of works by the artist. Here she reveals the core facts about his life and portraits, which should, she says, be known far better

Become an instant expert on...Oleksandr Bohomazov, the ‘lost’ Futurist artist of Ukraine

Oleksandr Bohomazov was a pioneer of early 20th-century Ukrainian avant-garde. Yet despite his standing in the arts his name, until recent times, has been lost in history. Our expert, James Butterwick, explores the story of his art, life and powerful relationship with the woman who unlocked his creativity and saved his legacy

Become an instant expert on…the tale of women artists and the Royal Academy

How was it that one of Britain’s august art institutions went from having two female artists among its founders to excluding women artists for centuries? Our expert, Dr Amy Lim, reveals the details of one of the most important chapters in the history of British women artists

Become an instant expert on…the performance art of Marina Abramović

Known across the globe for her electrifying, moving, often dangerous performances, Marina Abramović is one of the most outstanding artists of her generation. As a new exhibition of her works has just opened at the Royal Academy, London, our expert, Helen Oakden, reveals key things to know about this art world icon and her medium


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