
Launch of Art @ the Station Basingstoke

Art @ the Station, Basingstoke

The Arts Society Basingstoke has worked with SWR and Reading and Basingstoke Community Rail Partnership to create an exhibition space for young artists to display their work to the public. Local Schools and Colleges are invited to contribute Artwork to the Waiting Rooms on platform 1 and platform 4 at Basingstoke Railway Station. We hope this will enhance the travelling experience of passengers as well as celebrate the achievements of young people.


West Midlands (WM) Area societies are engaging with the UK’s best-known prison arts charity to bolster their efforts to change prisoners’ lives by participating in the arts.

Thanks to the generous donations made by individual societies in the WM Area, Koestler Arts are hoping to launch a pilot project in late spring organised in HMP Birmingham and three other institutions in the region.

Arrangements for our lectures going forward.

Update to the arrangements for our lectures going forward. We are now able to return to full seating as we had before the pandemic and in keeping with government guidance, as long as we all follow sensible procedures we are returning to ‘normal’.  We are very much looking forward to seeing our members back again for the interesting lecture programme we have arranged for the year ahead. We also hope to be offering members some interesting extra events again as we move out of the pandemic situation.

The Arts Society Welwyn Garden

The Arts Society Welwyn Garden ushered in the New Year with a lecture by Gavin Plumley about Pieter Bruegel the Elder and his series of paintings charting the course of a year. 

Gavin led us into the world of these paintings and opened our eyes to the message that Bruegel was trying to convey. We learnt how Bruegel's world of hard-working peasants, suffering the the vissicitudes of harsh winter months, or their rare moments of leisure, having a picnic after bringing in the harvest, was unknown to the wealthy merchants on whose walls these paintings were destined to hang.

Arts Buzz January 2022

Arts Buzz Janaury 2022 - Welcome back to in venue lectures.

Volume 15 Issue 1 : January 22

Dear Members of the Arts Society West Cornwall,

We wish you all a very Happy New Year! 

Welcome back to our 2022 lecture programme commencing on Thursday 13 January at 7:30pm, at the Zennor Auditorium, Penwith College.


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