
Eltham Palace and Gardens

On 20 April the Horsham Arts Society enjoyed a visit to Eltham Palace and Gardens in southeast London. The striking Art Deco mansion, which was built in the 1930s for eccentric millionaires Stephen and Virginia Courtauld, incorporates the grand hall of a mediaeval palace that was once home to Henry VIII.  Although only occupied by the Cortaulds for a few years before the Second World War they spared no expense building an ultra-modern home adjoining the medieval hall with its magnificent hammerbeam roof.



Volume 16 Issue 1: January 23

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Dear Members of the Arts Society West Cornwall,

Welcome to our first newsletter for 2023. We wish you all a Healthy & Happy New Year.

The first lecture of this season takes us into the exploding world of Cornelia Parker OBE RA. Parker is one of Britain's best-loved and most acclaimed contemporary artists. Using transformation, playfulness and storytelling, she engages with important issues of our time, be it violence, ecology or human rights, messages to blast us into this year.


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