
Bishopsland Awards Scheme 2024

Felicity Sykes and Charlotte Carpenter of The Arts Society Chiltern Hills Area visited Bishopsland on the 5th February 2024 for the annual competition for awards. They were joined by Jane Mackay from Chalfont Fine Arts Society and Marilyn Sturgeon from The Arts Society Henley.

The students gave a presentation showing their designs with drawings and maquettes. The two best designs won an award from TASCHA to enable them to buy the silver to make their designs.

The first award of £500 went to Sarah Wilmot for her Sterling Silver and Scottish Oak modular candlesticks

Young Artists Display their work at Arts Society North Bucks Lecture meeting

At our lecture on 9th May, we began a new venture utilising the space at the back of Lovat Hall, Newport Pagnell, our venue.  Two young artists, who each also volunteer at Milton Keynes Gallery, gave a presentation of examples of their artwork.
Sarika Dhorajiwala is a recent graduate in Fine art from Loughborough University specialising in Textile Techniques and Design. She displayed her beautiful designs and fabrics and explained some of the techniques she has learned to interested members.

The Arts Society Appleby "sews" seeds of success for pupils

Sewing machines have been donated to an Eden primary school by The Arts Society Appleby in Westmorland in a bid to support students creativity. Over recent years the society has been supporting local schools - from an innovative project with Appleby Grammar School during Covid which enabled the school to purchase digital equipment and provide art workshops and a day of art for young carers allowing them to relax and enjoy art away from their home environment.

Arts Society Lunesdale. Chairman’s Report to the AGM June 25th 2024

Arts Society Lunesdale. Chairman’s Report to the AGM June 25th 2024.

Arts Society Lunesdale has now reached the grand old age of 21 and has continued to thrive over the

last year. The advantages achieved by our monthly two lecture format in terms of ambience,

comfort, safety and car parking are, I believe, now well accepted and appreciated by the large

majority of members.

This has been Jean Paton’s first year as Programme Secretary and we thank her for her part in


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