Join us for Day 3: Gainsborough and Brown - art as nature or nature as art - with speaker Caroline Holmes in Kennet Village Hall, SN8 4EL and online (not recorded).

This day will explore the eclectic mix of profitable, artistic and moral landscapes in 18th century England. Brown, the ‘earthmover’, transformed estates; Gainsborough, was the originator of the English landscape painting school. Both were country boys who enjoyed the patronage of great houses. The life and work of both Brown and Gainsborough will be considered in the context of Georgian culture and patronage.

  • The Life and Works of Thomas Gainsborough
  • The genesis of Lancelot"Capability" Brown
  • Georgian Culture and Patronage


Fee: £38 including a buffet lunch

Online fee (not recorded) £20

All enquires, please email Caroline on


Mrs Caroline Holmes

Has lectured in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Europe and Japan as well as for cruises crossing the Baltic, Caribbean, Mediterranean and Red Seas, and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In 2017 she returned to The Arts Society in New Zealand. University of Cambridge ICE Academic Tutor and Course Director; lectures for the Royal Horticultural Society, museums and online for The Gardens Trust and organisations worldwide. Author of 12 books including Monet at Giverny, Water Lilies and Bory Latour-Marliac, the genius behind Monet’s water lilies; Impressionists in their Gardens; Follies of Europe: Architectural Extravaganzas; and in 2020 Where the wildness pleases – the English Garden celebrated. 2017 recipient of the Herb Society of America ‘Elizabeth Crisp Rea Award’. Consultant designer specialising in evoking historic, artistic and symbolic references. Contributions to Viking TV include Monet’s Garden at Giverny ; and at home