This lecture will be live in the Atrium. For those unable to attend, a Zoom Webinar will be available.
The History and Mystery of Crypto Portraits in European Art
By Sophie Oosterwijk
Dear Members and Guests,
We regret to inform you that, due to last minute unforeseen circumstances we needed to change our speaker for January.
We invite you to join us for the fourth lecture of the season given by Sophie Oosterwijk on ‘The History and Mystery of Crypto Portraits in European Art’ in the Atrium on Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 20.00 hours.
PLEASE Note that this will be in our NEW LOCATION, the Atrium of the Pastoral Centre of the Church of Our Saviour in The Hague [Helenastraat 8, 2595 HA, The Hague].
A portrait can be much more than a straightforward likeness of a person. A ‘crypto portrait’ may at first sight not look like a portrait at all, because it can be ‘disguised’ at an Adoration of the Magi with real people playing the parts of the Magi, or as a statue of a prophet or saint with the features of a patron, or the artist’s self-portrait may be hidden amongst a host of other faces. Throughout Western art we may discover such concealed portraits if we look carefully and are prepared to recognise these games that artists and patrons chose to play with the beholder.
This will be a live lecture with the lecturer physically present in the Atrium. We are hoping that Members and Guests will take the opportunity to come to the Atrium.
For those unable to be present at the Atrium, this lecture will also be streamed via a Zoom Webinar to those who registered.
You are requested to sign up for the lecture beforehand, also if you are coming to join us in person at the Atrium.
This lecture is free for Members of The Arts Society The Hague. All other persons are Guests and must pay the Guest fee of EUR 15 well in advance.
There is no fee for a one time introducee attending at the Atrium, if introduced by a Member attending at the Atrium.
Remember: As a paid up Member, you may register and bring an Introducee [a Guest] to the Atrium once for free.
Prior registration is required for both Members and Guests.
You are requested to sign up for the lecture beforehand, also if you are coming to join us in person at the Atrium, by clicking on the sentence at the 'How to book' section.
How to book this event:
Registration is open and closes at midnight 12 JAN 25.
Please click on this sentence to register for Atrium attendance or Zoom Webinar.
Dr Sophie Oosterwijk
Born in Gouda (Netherlands). Has an MA and PhD in English Literature (Leiden), an MA in Medieval Studies (York) and a PhD in Art History (Leicester). Has taught at the universities of St Andrews, Leicester and Manchester, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, National Trust, V&A, U3A, WEA and other organisations, and organised many study days, tours and visits. Also a regular lecturer for Cambridge University and travel companies, and Vice President of the Church Monuments Society. Numerous publications.
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