February 2025

Special Event - The Drake Collection

The Arts Society The Hague
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 - 10:45
Online Event

The Drake Collection

Guided Tour in English


Most kindly invites you to join us for a Special Event

'Politically (in) Correct'

On Tuesday 4th February 2025 at 11.00 hrs. to the Drake's private residence, Wassenaar.


Robert and Renée Drake will personally show you the latest of their exhibitions:

'Politically (in) Correct'

It deals with politics, social and ecological change - topics that are of interest and importance to us all.  It will be fascinating to see different contemporary artists' views and interpretations of the challenges the world is facing.

Mr and Mrs Drake are devoted and passionate collectors of contemporary art, since the 1990's, and are the proprietors of one of the most important contemporary art collections in the world.

A large part of their time is spent in identifying and purchasing artwork.  But not only that, they also follow the development and artistic growth of the artists presented in their collection.

As well as having an awareness of how the art work meets the eye, Mr and Mrs Drake are also keen to discover the underlying meaning, and once they engage in conversation with the artist(s) – a deeper understanding evolves which they will undoubtedly share with us during our guided tour.
The Drakes are avid supporters of art and keen to enable artists' further development.  They have therefore purchased a property next door to their own residence, which, recently opened, the International Artists' Residency provides accommodation and a studio.
Those of you who have already had the privilege of visiting the Residence's collection will cherish the memory of a couple:  warm, welcoming, and eager to let you participate in their love for contemporary art.
This second visit to the 'Politically (in) Correct' exhibition is explicitly dedicated to the Members and Guests on the waiting list for the first visit on the 23rd of February 2024 and to all our Members and Guests, who could not attend first time around.

So why don't you join us on this discovery tour of new horizons of contemporary art – we have 20 places available.

Robert and Renée Drake
Mr and Mrs Drake are devoted and passionate collectors of contemporary art, since the 1990's, and are the proprietors of one of the most important contemporary art collections in the world.