West Midlands (WM) Area societies are engaging with the UK’s best-known prison arts charity to bolster their efforts to change
West Midlands Area
There are 17 Societies in the West Midlands Area, which stretches from the Welsh borders to Warwickshire and Staffordshire. Consequently, there is a good mix of rural, town and city Societies. Our oldest Society is Stratford-upon-Avon which celebrates its Golden Jubilee in 2022. In contrast, the youngest Society is Coventry which held its inaugural lecture to coincide with the start of a year of events in the 2021 City of Culture.
The Area Support Team is made up of experienced volunteers who have all been committee members in a local Society. The Team organises Area Meetings to help Chairmen to network with each other and with local organisations. It also holds educational events and co-ordinates Arts Volunteering, Heritage Volunteers and Trails of Discovery activities.
The aims of The Arts Society are to promote the appreciation and study of every aspect of the arts and to preserve our artistic heritage for the benefit of all. To this end, local Societies organise programmes of lectures, visits, tours, special interest days and volunteering activities.
If this sounds interesting to you, please contact your local Society where you will be welcomed with open arms. Our Facebook Page will give you a very good idea of the richness and variety on offer: https://www.facebook.com/TheArtsSocietyWestMidlandsArea/
Contact: roobart7@aol.com
The Area is pleased to have raised sufficient funds from its Societies to support a mentoring project for prisoners organised b