Join us on this magical journey along The Silk Road - Day 4 in Cerne Abbas, Dorset and online.

Day 4 on 18th February 2025 with lecturer Sue Rollin

From Samarkand to the Taj Mahal – Central Asia and the great Mughals

10:30 - 15:00  (Lunch break 13:00 - 14:00) Under the great conqueror Tamerlaine and his successors Central Asia experienced a Golden Age. Samarkand and other cities were endowed with splendid monuments, art, literature and science flourished. Babur, the last of the Timurids, expelled from his homeland, went on to conquer India and found the Mughal empire. There the Mughal emperors presided over magnificent royal courts and sponsored creative building which reached its apogee in the Taj Mahal.

Fee: £35 in Cerne Abbas with coffee/tea & biscuits, a delicious buffet lunch with wine and/or soft drinks.

Also available as a zoom link (not recorded) for £25

For all enquiries, please email Christopher on


Ms Sue Rollin

Works as a tour guide and lecturer in India and the Middle East, and as a freelance interpreter for the European Union, United Nations and other international organisations. Formerly staff interpreter at the European Commission, Brussels, and tutor and lecturer in Assyriology and Ancient History at the Universities of London and Cambridge. Has worked as an archaeologist. Publications: Blue Guide: Jordan and Istanbul: A Traveller's Guide.