Lecture by Monica Bohm-Duchen
The Arts Society Horsham 12 February 2025
Our Society is a group of friendly people living around Horsham who all have a shared curiosity for the arts. You can catch up on our most recent news and activities in our Spring Newsletter by clicking here.
Currently we have a steadily-growing membership of over 400 people, and we are always keen to welcome new members.
We run a series of lectures covering a wide range of art-related subjects. Our speakers are all recognised experts in their field and are usually accredited by The Arts Society.
These lectures are normally held monthly in The Brighton Road Baptist Church and provide welcoming places for members to meet with friends for coffee before hearing expert lecturers share their specialist knowledge about the arts.
Guests are always welcome at our lectures for a small charge of £8 per lecture - which is refundable if you take the opportunity to join our society after the meeting!
In addition to our lectures, we organise a programme of exciting visits to places of historic and artistic interest across London and the South-East. These visits are normally all-day events and we usually travel either by coach or by train from Horsham, depending on the destination.
More information of our future activities is given in the Events section below.
You can use these links to view our Society Constitution and our Society Handbook.
You can also use this link to read the draft Report on the Outcomes of our 52nd Annual General Meeting, held Wednesday 10th July 2024
Contact: horsham@theartssociety.org
Website: https://theartssociety.org/horsham
Meeting location:
Brighton Road Baptist Church
United Kingdom
RH13 5BD
10.45am, 2nd Wednesday of the month
Dora Carrington: Beyond Bloomsbury
Lecture by Monica Bohm-Duchen
The Arts Society Horsham 12 February 2025
Lecture by Aliki Braine
The Arts Society Horsham 8 January 2025
A Lecture by Charlie Forman on 13 November at The Arts Society Horsham