Welcome to The Arts Society Harpenden Area

Our aim is to promote the knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of the arts through a stimulating programme of lectures. Our speakers are all knowledgeable and expert in their field.

  • ​Our members also have access to Area Study Days where they can join members from other societies for more in- depth lectures on arts and literary subjects.
  • ​There are visits by coach or occasionally independent travel to places of interest such as Galleries, Exhibitions, Historic Houses, Gardens, Churches and important buildings sometimes offering a "behind the scenes" look which would not often be open to the public.     
  • As a society, we promote and support the Arts in our Area through activities of our Young Arts, Heritage Volunteers and Church Recording Teams.

We are a friendly, thriving society and welcome new members.We will be celebrating our 50th anniversary in October 2018. The society is one of nearly 400 societies in the UK and abroad affiliated to The Arts Society, which has 90,000 members worldwide. 

​We meet monthly, usually on the 3rd Thursday of the month (excluding April, August and December)
Lectures begin at 10.45 am, and members are requested to take their seats by 10.30 am.
Coffee is available in the foyer from 9.45 am.
Visitors are welcome, subject to availability of space, admission £6.  




The Eric Morecambe Centre
Leyton Rd
Rothamsted Park
United Kingdom



10.30am - Thursday - normally the 3rd one in the month