WHAT IS SALTS MILLS - Salts mills is a huge, restored woollen mill on the outskirts of Bradford. This magnificent and impressive building in the palladian style, now has a new life as an important centre for Art galleries; the star attraction being an extensive display of Yorkshire’s own David Hockney. The building also houses a variety of shops and has cafe and dining facilities. For the website click HERE
HISTORY - Salts Mill was built by Sir Titus Salt in the 1850’s see HERE Sir Titus was a late arrival into the woollen industry which began half a century earlier. He accumulated his wealth from developing a version of “worsted” cloth uniquely using llama wool in the mix, which proved to be very popular He built the building complex with the latest machinery to exploit his invention choosing a location close to the river Ayre and the railway.
SALTAIRE VILLAGE - Sir Titus then spent the next 20 years building the adjacent Saltaire Village to house his workers. He recognised the poor living conditions of contemporary workers and resolved to provide much improved housing and amenities close to his new enterprise. Some say that this worthy endevour was not entirely philanthropic as he recognised that such a facility engernered fitness, loyalty and discilpline in his workforce. His financinhg of a very substantial Chapel and the banning of alehouses also supported their spiritual welfare! see more HERE
The vilage is now designated ,"World Heritage Site" Deservedly so, because this was the model for later, more famous worker villages such as Cadbury's Bournville and the Soap empire owners the Lever brothers, Port Sunlight village.
THE RESTORATION - Begun in 1987 and was financed and carried out by Jonathan Silver a local entrepreneir who made his money in trading art and retail menswear. Jonathan was a lifelong admirer of David Hockney and the two became firm friends. Tragically Jonathan died of cancer in at the age of 47 in 1997. Maggie his wife and daughter Zoe are still inviolvesd and the story is best told in this article by daughter Zoe Click HERE
SUMMARY - A very wothy and successful project out of what some may call the "Dark Satanic Mills" of the uk Industrial revolution. Something that Yorkshire can be truly proud. Well worth a visit and if the weather is kind an exploration of Saltaire Model Village is well worthwhile. In other words -
How to book this event:
The event programme we are developing with Timothy will have morning and afternoon session with plenty of time for questions and discussion.
The cost is £25 for the trip. This does not include lunch or refresnments. These can be had at the excellent on-site facilities. Admission is free. i
Please register you interest in attending with Jacquie our events seretary to secure your place either at the next lecture or by emailing eventshambleton@theartssociety.org