September 2025


Welcome to Hambleton Arts Society!
Tuesday, September 16, 2025 - 10:30
Romanby Golf Club Northallerton DL7 0PE
Online Event

Learn about the ancient art of plant medicine now backed by science

Our Study Days are seminars rather than lectures with limited nunbers, paced programme and layout to allow plenty of dialogue with the presenter and participant discussion 

This Autumn, we are retuming to the deligtful surroundings of Romanby Golf Club     Again we have chosen a personality with extensive knowledge and experience. Someone with excellent presentation skills, demonstrated widely (including on TV) on a set of topics which we believe will have very wide appeal.

Our lecturer Timothy Walker says....

"Mankind has exploited the medicinal properties of plants for thousands of years, yet the role of plants in modern medicine is still considered to be peripheral by many people. This talk attempts to put the record straight and to show that plant products are used every day by all of us to relieve pain and suffering, to heal wounds and cure diseases."

Deatails of the day's programme coming soon!


Mr Timothy Walker

I read Botany at University College Oxford. After graduation, I worked as a trainee at Oxford Botanic Garden, the Savill Garden Windsor, and the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. In 1995 I was awarded a Master of Horticulture by the Royal Horticultural Society of London.

From 1988 to 2014 I was director (Horti Praefectus) at the Oxford Botanic Garden. Between 1992 & 2000 the OBGHA won 4 gold medals at the Chelsea Flower Show London. In 2009 the Botanic Garden was awarded a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for providing imaginative educational programmes for adults, students, children, and the general public, thereby breathing new life into education for people of all ages and enriching their lives.

In 2010 I was elected as a Fellow of the Linnaean Society of London. In the same year I presented a 3-part series of films on the history of botany on BBC4.

Since 2014 I have been a tutor in Plant Biology at Somerville College, Oxford.