September 2024

Noel Coward: Twentieth Century Blues

The Arts Society Burghley
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 10:00
Burghley Room, William Cecil Hotel
St Martins Stamford PE9 2LJ
Online Event

Our AGM will begin at 10:00. This lecture will follow after the coffee break.

The Master of theatre, cinema, cabaret and song Noel Coward outshone his generation across all the genres. At his peak, between the two world wars, Coward defined the roaring twenties of the bright young things whilst shrewdly questioning quite how bright their world really was. From entertainment to espionage, Coward was a colossus in an age of extremes.


Mr Giles Ramsay

Giles Ramsay is an independent theatre director and producer who specializes in creating new work with artists in developing countries. He is the Founding Director of the charity Developing Artists (www.developingartists.org), a Fellow of St. Chad’s College, Durham University and Course Leader in Theatre at The Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Giles has run theatre projects in Botswana, Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Kosovo, Palestine, Mexico, Thailand and Zimbabwe and given numerous talks for institutions ranging from The Foundation for Mexican Literature in Mexico City to The Royal College of Physicians in London. He regularly lectures on the history and practice of theatre on the Queen Mary 2 as it sails from New York to the UK. Giles combines academic analysis with hands on experience to bring a unique insight to the world of the theatre.