November 2024

Ancient Rome in Depth

Welcome to The Arts Society Basingstoke
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 - 10:00
Sherfield-on-Loddon Village Hall
Reading Road Sherfield-on-Loddon RG27 0EZ
Online Event

A Day of exploring Rome from Empire and Infrastructure to Secrets of the Colosseum

Three talks about different aspects of Rome from well-known Stuart Harvey.

1. Heart of an Empire  

Overlooked by the Palatine and Capitoline Hills, the Roman Forum was the social, political, commercial, religious and legal heart of the city of Rome, and by default the entire Roman Empire. Professional Rome tourist guide Stuart Harvey will lead you on a voyage of discovery through the ruins of the Forum to discover the fascinating stories behind the triumphal arches, temples, basilicas and other surviving structures, explaining how and why certain parts survived and others did not.

This lecture will introduce you to gods, goddesses and demi-gods of the Roman religion; the legal and commercial procedures of the ancient city, and of course the governmental structure as we visit the Curia, or Senate House. We will also see the place of the cremation of Julius Caesar and discover how his death ultimately brought about the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of Empire


2. Roman Infrastructure 

What made Rome great was as much its infrastructure as its military commanders and legionnaires. Without aqueducts bringing fresh water the city could never have reached a million people. Without roads and bridges military security and trade on such a vast scale would not have been possible. And without walls, which still stand today, the city would have been defenceless. To that we must add the logistics of food distribution, waste management and drainage, making a fascinating lecture about how Ancient Rome worked as a city.


3. Bread & Circuses - Secrets of the Colosseum

The Colosseum is arguably the most famous ruin of Roman times, yet so much is misunderstood about its purpose and the games that took place there. Stuart  will reveal the true history of the Colosseum, or as it was originally named, the Flavian Amphitheatre, cutting away the urban myths and Hollywood fantasy to get at the reality of the games that entertained the Ancient Romans. We will discover the origins of gladiator fights, and how they changed to become such a popular entertainment for the masses, along with the spectacular animal hunts that were also staged in  the amphitheatre. We will learn how the Roman architects and engineers were able to build such a huge structure in just 8 years, and equally importantly the political reasons why it was built. 

Today only half the Colosseum remains and we will trace its decline after the fall of Rome to discover why half of it is missing, and finally bringing us to the surprising reason why it was finally preserved, and why the Pope himself uses it for a religious service once a year.



Mr Stuart Harvey

Stuart is a “History and Art Communicator” of 30 years experience. He is a London
Blue Badge Tourist Guide (qualified in 1998 - awarded “New Guide of the Year”) and
also a Guida Turistica Abilitata della Provincia di Roma (qualified in 2010). He has
worked in educational tourism since 1992, leading study tours all over Europe.
Living in Rome since 2003, Stuart has developed a great love for the Eternal City
and its many treasures. In addition to his primary career as full-time Rome tourist
guide, Stuart’s entertaining and lively lectures and virtual tours bring the rich artistic
and historical wealth of Rome’s 28 centuries to life for people all over the world.

Available at short notice - for virtual lectures. Limited dates for live lectures.

I live in Rome so for most of the year would be available only for virtual tours/lectures. 

In 2024 and 2025 I shall be in the UK for live lectures between 20th February and 16th March and again between 13th November and 6th December each year.