In early October, 17 members set off from Kings Cross to Dundee, once famous for jam, jute and journalism.
Welcome to The Arts Society Clapham Common
The Arts Society Clapham Common is a welcoming and friendly Society, currently with about 200 members.
We offer an exciting and diverse programme of lectures given by Arts Society accredited speakers who are experts in their chosen field.
Our lectures take place at 10.30 for 11am, usually on the third Wednesday of the month, at the Clapham Picturehouse.
You are very welcome to come as a guest (£10 on the door) or join us (new subscription £75 per year). We would love to see you.
During the year we also run study days where you can gain greater knowledge on a variety of subjects from music to ballet, jewellery to Dresden. There are occasional walks, trips and visits to places of interest which are often less accessible to the public.
In the past we have visited Kenwood House, Charleston House, Farley Farm and Spencer House, amongst others. In October 2019, we took our first overnight trip to Dundee where we explored the new V&A and recently regenerated area and Glamis Castle.
As a Society we support and promote the arts in our community through the activities of our Young Arts and Heritage Volunteers.
We helped initiate and continue to support a local childrens' charity Routes. During the school holidays, for a week, 20 young people who usually receive free school meals, take part in theatre workshops designed to build confidence, creativity and teamwork. Alongside this they are given a healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks provided by a group of volunteers from our society. The children devise their own play, which they perform at the end of the week in the Omnibus Theatre to their friends and family.
The Arts Society Clapham Common raises funds in order to award selected young people 100% bursaries to Omnibus Theatre Young Company who meet every Saturday.
Clapham Picturehouse
76 Venn Street
United Kingdom
11am - usually the third Wednesday of the month
76 Venn Street
In the 1920/30's Betty Joel ran a furniture making and design business which became a leading furnishing company of the day.
76 Venn Street
Looking at six of our world-renowned new generation of sculptors
76 Venn Street
Carpaccio’s paintings of Venice vividly transport us to the city in the years around 1500
The engaging Doug Gillen gave a thought-provoking and entertaining talk on “Hidden Canvasses: Street Art and the City”
The Arts Society Clapham Common partner with Omnibus theatre in this brilliant new initiative for local children