The North Devon Arts Society has supported The Burton Art Gallery in Bideford with the support of a grant from The Arts Society.
The Burton Art Gallery holds an annual exhibition for schools. The entries come from both primary and secondary pupils the Bideford area and further afield. The Arts Society North Devon helped judge the art works on display and award schools and individuals with certificates and prizes at an awards ceremony.
"Thank you for continuing to put on this event which is, I believe, life changing for the students who win prizes giving them the self-confidence and belief in themselves to pursue art into the future. It is also lovely for us art teachers to see all our hard work in school resulting in the smiles of our students as they receive an award for their creativity." - Art Teacher
The works are on display for a month in the gallery alongside national exhibitionsa and enntry to the gallery is free for all to see. Pupils work is of a high standard and gives pupils the chance to display their work in a professional setting and their participation enriches their exposure to the arts, and gives a sense of achievement to see their work on display.
Cash prizes given by The Arts Society North Devon are important to the local schools and teachers. With budget cuts in schools, many art teachers go without materials for their art classes.
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