Wessex Area

The Arts Society works nationally to advance arts education and appreciation, alongside promoting the preservation of artistic and cultural heritage.  We are a UK-based charity with over 64,000 members supporting a network of 376 local societies worldwide.

The Wessex Area stretches from Bath and Bristol in the north to Poole in the south with 18 societies.  To see the date and time of all the Wessex societies, please download the file in 'Attachments' on the right side of this window.

The Area and our societies encourages and promotes Heritage Volunteering projects, Arts Volunteering activities and Trails of Discovery projects.  Members of these volunteering activities enjoy working together as a team, exploring new interests and learning new skills. Click here to see what Volunteering is all about.

If you are unable to join a Society, there is a 'Supporters Membership', too.  It means that one can receive an Arts Society Magazine three times a year in which can be found events which are open to Supporter Members as well as members of individual societies.  These include Special Interest Days or joining volunteering groups in work in arts trains and heritage projects.

WESSEX CONNECTED EVENTS: The Area Team also runs two popular study series in the north and south of Area. These events are designed to give a more in-depth understanding of the topics than the monthly lectures in the societies.​ Monies raised by our events go towards funding our Arts Volunteering projects across Wessex and in our societies. Detailed information about the content of each day on the two courses can be found in documents to the right of this page.

To book tickets contact www.tickettailor/events/theartssocietywessexarea

Any queries please email  wessexconnectedevents@gmail.com  

'THE SILK ROAD - Art, History and Exploration" – organised by Christopher Clarke

Held at Cerne Abbas Village HallDT2 7GY from 10.30 to 3 pm this five day Seriesbegins on 15th October 2024 until Tuesday 18 March 2025

DAY 1 – 15 October 2024 The Silk Road – Art, history and exploration - lecturer Dr. Susan Whitfield

DAY 2 – 12 November 2024 Treasures from journeys along the Silk Road - lecturer Christopher Bradley

DAY 3 – 14 January 2025 Islamic art and architecture - lecturer James Allen

DAY 4 – 18 February 2025 From Samarkand to the Taj Mahal – Central Asia and the Mughals - lecturer Sue Rollin

DAY 5 – 18 March 2025 Unravelling the Silk Road - with lecturer Chris Aslan

Fees: if attending the hall: 5 days at £165 or individual days at £35 each.  If watching online: 5 days at £100 or indivdual days at £25 each.


‘THE ENLIGHTENMENT’ – organised by Caroline Cobbing

Held at Kennett Valley Village Hall, Lockeridge, Marlborough SN8 4EL from 10.30 am to 3 pm, this three day Series, begins on Tuesday 11 March 2025 until Wednesday 21 May 2025

Day 1 – Tuesday 11 March 2025 - William Hogarth – speaker Rosalind Whyte

Day 2 -  Thursday 3 April 2025 – Mozarts Operas in an Enlightment context – speaker Sandy Burnett

Day 3 – Wednesday 21 May – Gainsborough and Brown – Art as Nature and Nature as Art – speaker Caroline Holmes

Fees: if attending the hall: 3 days at £105 or individual days at £38 each.  If watching online: 3 days at £55 or indivdual days at £20 each.

We do hope you will join one of our societies to meet others who are interested in gaining a deeper knowledge of art in its many forms or attend the Wessex Connected Study Days Series.

Susie Pearson, Wessex Area Chairman