The Arts Society Falmouth (TASF) has been instrumental in encouraging and recognising the skills developed by Student
November Newsletter
November Newsletter
19 Nov 2023
Dear Members
Unfortunately, I couldn’t be with you at our last meeting, so this is to remind you that our next meeting is on Tuesday November 28th when our speaker will be Toby Faber talking about The Imperial Eggs of Carl Faberge before the Russian Revolution. As many of you are aware, we have had Toby Faber to speak on several occasions and have never been disappointed, so it is something to look forward to.
Since our October meeting 25 of us have had a most enjoyable visit to Auckland Castle and the newly opened Faith Museum. The weather was not great, but we still had a good day, expertly organised by Jenny. For those of you who have not enjoyed one of our outings, I would strongly recommend them. I believe Jenny is going to organise another visit in the Spring/early summer so watch this space.
As the weather has been so unpleasant, I thought I would remind you of our contingency plans for bad weather. If it is such that we must cancel the meeting you will be informed by email on the morning of the meeting, so if you are in any doubt at all, don’t forget to check your in box. Those of you who are not contactable by email will be contacted by telephone. Please check that we have your up-to-date contact details so that we can get in touch. If you have changed phone number, email address or moved house please tell Lilian.
There will be no meeting in December as so many people are busy with Carol Services, school concerts etc. apart from the general preparations leading up to Christmas. Our first meeting of 2024 will be on January 23rd when Gillian Hovell will be speaking to us about Tutankhamun’s world. Some of you will no doubt have been to Egypt so this should be an interesting talk, and again, Gillian has spoken to us before.
I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday November 28th.
Best wishes
About the Author
Susan Rumsey
Chair: The Arts Society Wensleydale
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After months of dedication and craftsmanship by the Society's talented 'Stitchers', under the expert guidance of Maur
After months of dedication and craftsmanship by the Society's talented 'Stitchers', under the expert guidance of Maur