The Arts Society Falmouth (TASF) has been instrumental in encouraging and recognising the skills developed by Student
Newsletter December 2024
Newsletter December 2024
15 Jan 2025
December 2024
Dear Members
It seems no time at all since we were meeting again after our summer break, and here we are in December. As you know, I am retiring as your Chair at the AGM in March and Suzy Walker is taking over. She is keen to get to know you all as soon as possible and many of you will have already met her either at our October or November meeting. This is not the only change though. Our Treasurer Bob is also retiring, and he is currently talking to a probable replacement. Rest assured the changeover will be seamless and the future of our Society will be in good, safe hands.
Jenny has been hard at work organising another visit for us. This time it is to Raby Castle on Wednesday 19th March and details are attached with this letter. I will remind you and give you any further information at our meetings in January and February so put the date in your diaries now.
Another diary date is for September 2025. There will be a Memorial Lecture for Brian and Leitia Read. Brian very generously left us a legacy, so Alyson has booked Lars Tharp to come and talk to us at our September 2025 meeting . Brian and Letitia were very interested in ceramics, so this seems very fitting. Details will be published nearer the time, but it is an occasion not to be missed.
Just a reminder that should we have inclement weather on a lecture day, making it necessary to cancel, you will be informed by email on the morning of the lecture. If you have any doubt at all, please check your email and your spam box as sometimes emails have a funny habit of ending up there by mistake. Those of you who don’t use email will receive a phone call. Hopefully it won’t be necessary. Don’t forget there is no lecture in December.
All that remains is for me to thank the committee and all those of you who transport lecturers, run the raffle and help and support me in so many ways. Without you all my job would be impossible.
Wishing you a joyous and peaceful Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year.
Best wishes
About the Author
Susan Rumsey
Chair, The Arts Society Wensleydale
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After months of dedication and craftsmanship by the Society's talented 'Stitchers', under the expert guidance of Maur
After months of dedication and craftsmanship by the Society's talented 'Stitchers', under the expert guidance of Maur