March 2025

The Arts and Crafts of Kashmir

Welcome to The Arts Society Lunesdale
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 11:30
Borwick and Priest Hutton Memorial Hall
Borwick Lane Borwick, Carnforth LA6 1JL
Online Event

The Arts and Crafts of Kashmir

Morning lectures start at 11.30 prompt

Afternoon lectures start at 2.15 prompt

Tea/coffee available half an hour before lectures



Mrs Zara Fleming

Freelance lecturer, art consultant and exhibition curator specialising in the art and culture of Tibet, the Himalayan areas and Mongolia. Initially based at the V&A, but also worked with the Central Asian Department of Bonn University, the Orient Foundation, the Royal Academy, Tibet House, the National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside and Asia House. In addition to lecturing for The Arts Society, she lectures for museums, universities, Asian art societies, and private associations. Guest lecturer and tour guide on numerous trips to the Himalayas. Edited Masterpieces of Mongolian Art: Vol 1 and has published many articles in the field of Buddhist art and culture.