The Arts Society Falmouth (TASF) has been instrumental in encouraging and recognising the skills developed by Student
Newsletter July 2024
Newsletter July 2024
16 Jul 2024
July 2024
Dear Members
It’s difficult to believe that we are in high summer, and our current lecture programme has come to an end. Alyson has worked hard to ensure that we have had an interesting and varied programme. Thank you, Alyson, from all of us. We ended the season in high spirits with Murder most Florid and were all left with smiles on our faces. Our next lecture season starts on Tuesday 24th September with a lecture from Anne Haworth entitled When the Hare looked up at the Moon: Night-time encounters in East Asian Art.
Prior to that Jenny has organised a visit to Temple Newsam for us on Wednesday 11th September. Details, itinerary and a booking form, with details for payment are attached with this letter. If you and any friends would like to go, please make sure Lilian has your booking form and payment by Friday 30th August. The cost of the day is £38 for members and £43 for non-members, with two tours included. It should be a very enjoyable day out.
Over the year your committee works hard to ensure that your Society runs smoothly, but to do this we need your support. Bob Davies, our Treasurer is retiring at the end of March, and I will be retiring as your Chair in June 2025. To enable your society to continue to run seamlessly it is over to you to help us find replacements. Without a Treasurer and Chair, we will cease to exist. Huddersfield Society has had to shut down because they couldn’t find officers and a committee. Sue Brown has organised the raffle, ably supported by Melanie Geldeart for several years and they will be handing over to Ros Higson and Caroline Bryant. The raffle is a necessary source of income, and it is important that you continue to support it . Huge thanks to Sue and Melanie for all their work in making it so successful. We also need someone to take on responsibility for making sure our events are advertised in the local press, as visitor income helps us to keep our subscription down.
Membership renewal is due in September, you will receive next season’s programme and renewal information in late August prior to our September meeting.
All that remains now is for me to wish you all a good summer (if it ever arrives) and to thank you on behalf of the committee for your continued support over the past year. We look forward to seeing you all again in September.
Best wishes
About the Author
Susan Rumsey
Chair: The Arts Society Wensleydale
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After months of dedication and craftsmanship by the Society's talented 'Stitchers', under the expert guidance of Maur
After months of dedication and craftsmanship by the Society's talented 'Stitchers', under the expert guidance of Maur