November 2024

Imperial Chinese Gardens

Welcome to The Arts Society Isle of Man
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - 11:30
Manx Museum
1 Kingswood Grove Douglas IM1 3LY
Online Event

Imperial Chinese gardens display a variety of pavillions, lakes and fountains blending Chinese and Western elements.

Every emperor must have a garden where he may stroll and relax his heart.’ So believed the Qianlong Emperor, whose ‘Garden of Perfect Brightness’ displayed a variety of pavilions, lakes and fountains, blending Chinese and Western elements. Another great park was laid out in the mountains near Chengde; it was much admired by the first British visitors in 1793. By now views of these gardens had reached England, stimulating the fashion for landscape gardening. In the Forbidden City itself are ancient junipers, ‘scholars’ rocks’, peonies and other flowers; ‘Qianlong’s garden’ includes spectacular trompe-l’oeil floral effects, which have recently been restored. 


Dr Patrick Conner

1970-71 Teacher at Marlborough College. 1975-86 Keeper of Fine Art at the Royal Pavilion, Art Gallery & Museums, Brighton. Since 1986 Director of the Martyn Gregory Gallery, London. Author of several books including Savage Ruskin, Oriental Architecture in the West and George Chinnery, artist of India and the China Coast.