February 2025

Food, cooking and dining in Georgian England

Welcome to The Arts Society Vale of Aylesbury
Thursday, February 13, 2025 - 10:00
The Spread Eagle Hotel Thame OX9 2BW
Online Event

A day about the very broad range of foods that our Georgian ancestors enjoyed, both in and out of the home.


A fascinating and fun day about the very broad range of foods that our Georgian ancestors enjoyed, both in and out of the home.

The first lecture uses images of paintings, prints, cookery books and objects of daily life to illustrate the often hidden domestic lives the times. It is based on the diaries of James Woodforde kept between 1758 and 1802, as well as the writings of Jane Austen a generation later.

The second lecture is about eating out in Georgian London. Venues include coaching inns, Billingsgate, Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens and the East End.

The final lecture introduces us to the difficult conditions of the kitchens , as well as the myriads of tools and equipment available to the struggling cooks of the era.


Dr Peter Ross

Peter has a History of Art degree, an MA in London history, a PhD in the cultural history of an English Criminal, and qualifications in the teaching of adults. Currently Principal Librarian at Guildhall Library, he has for 20 years lectured on a broad range of topics including the history of English books, portraiture, and London history. Peter has appeared on TV and radio as a consultant on the 18th century criminal Jack Sheppard and on the history of English food. His most recent publication, The Curious Cookbook, was published by the British Library.