Purpose of Role
The Visits Secretary works with the Programme Secretary and Study Day Organiser to arrange visits which complement the Society's programme of events.
General Preparations for Organising Visits
- Present suggestions to Committee
- Research venues using reference books, the internet and information from the NADFAS website
- Contact venues for up-to-date information on costs, tours, refreshments etc.
- Research travel options
- Some Visits Secretaries visit venues before booking as required
Organising a Visit
- Work out costing (usually on a 75% take-up of places) and advertise the visit
- Decide if you need helpers are required on visit
- Confirm all bookings in writing
- Take bookings and payment. If bookings are slow, talk to the Committee about advertising the event more widely and arrange as necessary
- Once visit is full keep a list of reserve members
- Pass payments to Treasurer with supporting list
- Reconfirm all arrangements with venue, travel company etc just before date of visit
- Make list of all participants (circulate other copies of the list in case of emergency)
- Contact reserve list to fill any cancellations
- Obtain emergency contact numbers for those attending
- Ask Treasurer for appropriate cheques (and coach driver's tip in cash if needed)
- Check members on and off the coach/train
- Confirm timings to members during the visit
- Take a mobile telephone with you in case of emergency