December 2024

The Queen of Sheba - Empress or enigma?

Welcome to The Arts Society Brussels asbl
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - 20:00
Online Event

She is one of the most intriguing and exotic figures in history.

Three thousand years ago the Queen of Sheba travelled with a caravan of hundreds of camels, laden with unimaginable riches, through the Arabian desert to meet King Solomon in Jerusalem. Their coming together is detailed in the wonderful Arezzo frescoes by Piero della Francesca. It is also one of the world's oldest love stories, as told by poets and artists in Ethiopian and Arabian folklore. Freed from historical constraints, the imaginations of classical artists have run wild with fabulous palaces and surreal landscapes. Finally, we look at the real evidence of the Kingdom of Sheba, the ruins of its capital Marib and see what the queen might have looked like - and it isn't Gina Lollobrigida!


Mr Christopher Bradley

Expert in the history and culture of the Middle East and North Africa. As a professional tour guide and lecturer he has led groups throughout the Middle East and Asia. Has written extensively on Arabia and is the author of The Discovery Guide to Yemen, Insight Guide to the Silk Road and Berlitz Guides to Libya; The Red Sea; Oman; Cairo; Abu Dhabi and Nile Cruising. As a photographer has pictures represented by four photographic libraries. A broad range of lecturing experience, including to the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Institute of British Architects. As a film producer and cameraman he has made documentaries for the BBC, National Geographic TV and Channel 4.