JMW Turner and John Constable shared one thing in common: a love of the landscape
JMW Turner and John Constable shared one thing in common: a love of the landscape. Apart from that, they were very different artists. For example, Turner applied his imagination and sense of colour to the landscapes he painted; Constable painted the landscapes he visited as faithfully as possible. Turner toured mainland Europe extensively and sketched sun-blessed scenes of Italy and the mountains and rivers of Germany; Constable never left Britain and produced works that came to define Suffolk, Salisbury, Hampstead Heath and Brighton. This lecture will demonstrate their different approaches to landscape painting by reference to a selection of their key artworks.
How to book this event:
We welcome guests (fee payable at the door) and all members of The Arts Society.

Mr Raymond Warburton
Ray has had a life-long love of art. However, in his twenties, Ray studied social sciences at the London School of Economics and the School of Oriental and African Studies. These studies led to a career in health and social care, with art being an evening and weekend passion. But all that changed in 2011, when Ray became a guide at Tate Britain and Tate Modern. Then from 2014 to 2017, he studied art history at the Open University, and then at the University of Buckingham, from where he gained an MA in the History of Art. And to cap it all, Ray became an Arts Society lecturer in 2017. Ray also knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of lectures as he is a member of his local Arts Society in Blackheath.
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