January 2025

From Claridge's Hotel to the London Underground: The Life and Works of Textile Designer, Marion Dorn

Welcome to The Arts Society Mid Sussex
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 10:30
Online Event

We will explore Marion's extraordinary career and position her as a British 20th century Art Deco designer.

Renowned for her ’sculpted rugs’, this lecture will reveal Dorn’s various commissions from the 1920s to the 1960s, which included designs for the Savoy Hotel Group in London, Eltham Palace, the London Underground and the White House in Washington DC. 



Mrs Pamela Campbell-Johnston

MA Hons Art History, St Andrew's University. Over 30 years of lecturing experience to undergraduates, adult groups, and to Friends and Patrons of the Royal Academy of Arts as part of the Adult Education Department's programme of events. Also conducted numerous guided tours and focused gallery talks on individual works of art. Specialises in British Domestic Architecture and Modern British Art. Over 12 years' experience at the Royal Academy. Work experience also undertaken at Bonhams, Art Loss Register, National Trust. Now a freelance art consultant and lecturer. Recently curated a collection for the Lansdowne Club.