October 2025

Charles I, King and Collector

The Arts Society Maidenhead
Monday, October 20, 2025 - 11:30
Baylis Theatre, Braywick Leisure Centre
Braywick Road Miadenhead SL6 1BN
Online Event

This lecture celebrates Charles I’s accession to the throne in 1625 and his obsession for collecting works of art.

This lecture celebrates the 400th Anniversary of Charles I’s accession to the throne in 1625. Charles I’s obsession for collecting works of art began when as a 22-year-old prince he travelled to Spain and saw the magnificent collection of the Spanish king, Philip IV.  On becoming King in 1625 Charles purchased the fabulous collection of the Gonzaga Dukes of Mantua which included works by Titian, Raphael and Andrea Mantegna’s astonishing series of paintings “The Triumphs of Caesar”.


Mrs Barbara Askew

Historian and London Blue Badge Guide since 1988. Lecturer, Examiner and Course Director on Blue Badge Guide Training Courses and an acknowledged expert on Royalty and Windsor Castle. The only Blue Badge Guide accredited to guide the Albert Memorial.

Offers guided visits and walking tours linked to her lectures.