Art of the nineteenth tells the story of the westward expansion of the United States.
Uses art of the nineteenth century to tell the story of the westward expansion of the United States from the first explorations and contacts with native Americans to the near-extermination of the buffalo.
How to book this event:
Free to members, visitors welcome cost £10.

Mr Toby Faber
Toby is an experienced lecturer and public speaker who has been accredited by The Arts Society since 2012. His career began with Natural Sciences at Cambridge and has been through investment banking, management consulting and five years as managing director of the publishing company founded by his grandfather, Faber and Faber, where he remains on the board. He is also non-executive Chairman of its sister company, Faber Music and a director of Liverpool University Press.
Toby has written three narrative histories: Stradivarius – Five Violins, One Cello and a Genius; Faberge’s Eggs; and Faber & Faber – The Untold Story, as well as a novel, Close to the Edge. Of these, only the obvious one is published by the family firm.
1 Kingswood Grove
The romance of speed continued to be a major theme in how cars were depicted in art, but, since the 1950s the car has become art.
1 Kingswood Grove
The Frick Collection, New York, is one of the finest-quality museums in the world.