Our Arts Society - Our Committee

Our Arts Society - Our Committee

16 Mar 2020

OUR ARTS SOCIETY and OUR COMMITTEE, like many, are regrettably re-organising.

Although our next Art Talk is now sadly six months away, we can assure you we are doing anything but resting until then.

The lead up to a new programme year is our busiest time and we are now working twice as hard to put new plans in place.

Sara and Nick have worked tirelessly to form and execute a new plan of action, with Jane ready to immediately action adjustments to our carefully planned programme. Laura is also working hard to rearrange all of our postponed Spring/Summer Art Visits for next year.

We would like to thank the speakers who we sadly had to postpone, but are very glad to announce have thankfully managed to rebook all four for next year as part of our 2020-21 programme.

A very big thank you also goes to The Arts Society for all their support and advice. We are acutely aware everyone is working so hard at Arts Society House and are therefore so appreciative of their time and guidance at this difficult time.

The Sharnbrook Hotel, our monthly Art Talk venue have been so accommodating in rearranging our Art Talk evenings and so we send further thanks out to Laura and all the team at the Hotel.

Thank you also to our members for being so understanding, as our society would nothing without them!

Our heart and soul really goes in to running our society so it has been beyond disheartening to have to accept the reality of the situation and undo so much of our hard work. The welfare of our members and the speakers is of course of the utmost importance and so however painful it is, we know it is the right way forward.

We send our best wishes out to all the other branches of The Arts Society having to work so hard doing the same for their societies.

About the Author

Laura Garratt


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