The Arts Society Kington Langley 2022- 2023 Lecture Programme

The Arts Society Kington Langley 2022- 2023 Lecture Programme

7 Nov 2022

The Arts Society Kington Langley has had a fantastic start to the 2022 – 2023 season. We offer hybrid lectures and most of our lecturers have given permission for us to hold a 24-hour protected recording. This gives our members the flexibility to access our lectures to fit in with their life styles. Our lectures are on the first Tuesday of the month. We are thrilled with the increased number of members back in the hall, a healthy audience on zoom and an excellent take up of the recordings.

You are welcome to zoom in to our lectures as a day member and all details can be found on

So far, we have had two excellent lectures.

October 2022 – ‘The Borgias, The Most Infamous Family in History’ with Sarah Dunant. An exuberant lecture followed by our Italian themed ‘Delice ‘Canape lunch. (24-hour protected recording)

November 2022 – ‘It’s Not Just Tchaikovsky’ with Nigel Bates. Another enchanting lecture as we were treated to clips of Fonteyn and Nureyev, The Clog Dance and then we ended up in tears as we watched the final Pax de Deux from the ballet ’Manon’. Magnificent. (24-hour protected recording)

Treasures still ahead of us-

December 2022 – ‘The Ultimate Christmas Present: Faberge, Tiffany or Lalique’ with Anne Anderson. This will be followed by our members Christmas Lunch. (24-Hour protected recording)

January 2023 – ‘Persistent Memory: The Art of Salvador Dali’ with Angela Smith

February 2023 – ‘Girls Behaving Badly: Jane Austen’s Wicked Women’ with Annalie Talent

28th February -SPECIAL INTEREST DAY- ‘The Romanovs – Tyrants and Martyrs of Imperial Russia’ with Douglas Skeggs. There will be a Russian Themed Lunch

March 2023 – ‘Climate Disasters, Past and Present. Flood, Fire and Frost' with Timothy Wilcox (24-hour protected recording)

April 2023 – ‘Around the World in Stunning Aviation Posters’ with Mark Ovenden

May 2023 – ‘Taking the Blue Train: Cézanne, Matisse and Picasso discover the Unique Light of the French Rivera’ with Justin Reay

June 2023 – ‘The Art and Culture of Fin de Siècle Vienna’ with Gavin Plumley.

July 2023 – ‘Wonderful Things’ Tutankhamun: The Boy King. His Tomb and Treasures’ with Lucia Gahlin. (24-hour protected recording)

The season will finish with our ‘Pimm’s and Punch’ Celebration.

(The Swan Lake Image is with permission from ROH)

About the Author

Heather Leach

  • Future Lecture Programme


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