Minutes of 2017 AGM

Minutes of 2017 AGM

24 Apr 2018

A Member Society of NADFAS
 Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday June 20th 2017 at 1.45 in Borwick and Priest Hutton Memorial Hall.
 Mr Martin Gillibrand welcomed members to the meeting.

  1. Apologies Desmond O’Brien, Phil Hegarty, Derek Cookson, Jan Cookson, Caroline Openshaw, Angela Pape, Jane Young, Rick Norman, Wendy Bywater. Anne-Marie le Cheminant.
  2. Minutes of the AGM held on 21st June 2016. It was proposed by Fanny Leach and seconded by Anthony Adamson that these were an accurate record of the meeting.
  3. To receive and approve the report of the committee. Martin Gillibrand reported that he was glad to report another good year for the society. Membership capped at 220, is full, with 22 people on the waiting list even after some 18 new members joined the Society. As will appear from the accounts the Society’s financial position is healthy, thanks to our Treasurer Cathy Hartley who is exploring systems to let you pay your subscriptions by bank transfer, and I am pleased to report the level of subscriptions can stay the same for another year.

We are all indebted to Bronwen Osborne for the hard work she puts in as Secretary, which keeps the Society running smoothly, and who keeps me on the straight and narrow. We are also indebted to Kate Brady her work as Membership Secretary. Kate retires this year and for with her reception team and her computer has organised the membership list into a smooth and efficient system, as well as encouraging her husband to maintain the Societies web site. Janet Leibowitz is also retiring and we are very grateful for or her calm & reliable work logging in members. I am delighted that Judie Graham – Clegg has volunteered her services as Membership Secretary, so that we have a full committee.
The lecture program for the year has been of the highest quality, and of wide ranging interests thanks to Ros Lloyd. The programmes appeal to members is evident from the fact that the Hall is pretty full to capacity each month.
Anne Marie Le-Cheminant has produced a wide ranging programme for trips, tours and study days which have been of high quality and well supported except for the Bath trip where the number of bookings fell just short of that required to make the tour viable. The job of Trips & Tours Secretary is varied and hard work. Anne Marie retires this year and we are very grateful for the work she has put into making this aspect of the Society’s work such a success. I am delighted that Sue O’Brien has volunteered to lead a consortium of members to take on her role.
The Society has a reputation for being friendly and enjoyable, which I am anxious we should maintain. It is only possible because so many of our members contribute by helping at meetings, organising the equipment, directing car parking, serving refreshments, stacking chairs, etc.etc. and we are very grateful for all who contribute.
I am pleased to report that this year has seen the Society taking on two new volunteering projects. One promoting a textile craft project at Carnforth High School with Rag Tag Arts into which Mary Frankland and Bronwen Osborne have put a lot of time & enthusiasm, and the other in response to a request from the National Trust at Troutbeck that we make some 60 covers for the Winter storage of their furniture. Mel Winstanley is organising a team of volunteers to man their sewing machines to get this job done. Both projects are good examples of the work   NADFAS does in promoting Arts  & Crafts as well as educating its own members.
Reference to NADFAS is now dated. The National organisation is now called the Arts Society and assuming you pass the committee’s resolution, Lunesdale Decorative and Fine Arts Society will become the Arts Society Lunesdale. I imagine that we may get more direction from London as part of its own determination to develop a common ethos throughout the organisation, but you can ensure that your committee will work hard to maintain and develop the Lunesdale ethos.
I am very grateful to all our committee members for the time and enthusiasm they have shown throughout the year. It is sad that some have to retire and we are very sorry to lose Peter Osborne, who has done so much for the Society since its formation, and David Lloyd, as well as Kate & Anne -Marie. Our thanks are due to them all
4 .    To receive and approve the Annual accounts.  The Treasurer Cathy Hartley reported on  LDFAS Annual Accounts 2016-2017
Fellow members, as treasurer it is my task to present the accounts for the last financial year.
Everyone who attended the last meeting received a copy and others have either been sent a copy or were able to access the accounts on the website.
Most of our income comes from subscriptions and as we have had to put a limit on membership the amount will now stay at around this level. In the previous financial year we had a few half yearly memberships which increased the subscription income in 15/16.
Money from sale of refreshments has dropped a little this year.
NADFAS repayment is to cover expenses of officers going to the Directory Day and AGM. This can vary from year to year. The
£ 1.00/member Gift Aid Administration Fee we receive back from NADFAS is lower this year due to an administrative error by NADFAS in 15/16
On the expenditure side our expenses have gone up slightly.
Committee expenses includes cost of programme set up and printing.
NADFAS affiliation etc includes insurance and fares fund as well as a capitation fee to NW region.  
Equipment. A new projector has been purchased  
We have made a donation of £400 to a Young Arts project at Tatham School.
This year we have a loss of £ 131.99 but as we still have a healthy amount in the bank, the committee feel that subscriptions should stay the same for another year.
The Scottish Widows account is our reserve fund-we need to have enough money in an investment account to cover approximately one year’s activity.
Mr Chairman, may I propose the adoption of the accounts for 2016/17.
 There were no questions from the membership. The accounts were approved Proposed by  Gillian Mawby seconded by Clare Brockbank. All in favour.
5. To elect the Chairman.  Sue Rowland presided for the election of the chairman for 2017/8.   Martin Gillibrand had  agreed to stand. He was proposed by Ros Lloyd and seconded by Vanessa Livesey. 
All members were in favour. Susan Rowland thanked Martin Gillibrand for leading the Society successfully during the past year. She said that from the first AGM in 2004 the Society had continued to be a friendly and welcoming Society. She thanked the committee for their contributions during the year.
6. To elect the Officers and committee.
The following members had agreed to stand as committee members.
Anthony Adamson         Vice Chairman
Bronwen Osborne          Secretary
Catherine Hartley            Treasurer
 Ros Lloyd. Mary Frankland. Susan O’Brien, John Parkinson, John Wilson, Hume Hargreave, Angela Pape. Judie Graham Clegg.
The committee were then voted in en block.
7. Resolutions put forward by the committee.

  • The name of the Society will become The Arts Society Lunesdale.

               This resolution was agreed unanimously.

  • Clause 5(a) of the constitution of the Society should be amended by adding after the word “secretary” the following words”(which term shall include one or more assistant secretaries responsible for designated responsibilities for the secretaries functions).

Proposed by Susan Rowland and seconded by Ros Lloyd.
  Agreed unanimously by the meeting.
 8  To elect a Financial Examiner of the Accounts for the ensuing year. 
It was proposed by Jean Argles and Anthony Adamson that Steven Smith of 17 Vernon Crescent Galgate LA20LX  be appointed. All were in favour.
9. Any other business  There were no questions or comments from  the members.  
10. Date of next AGM.  Tues June 19th 2018.
 The meeting closed at 1.45pm.



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